Wie ist die Wirkung von Schnupftabak? | Snushus

snuff it already since centuries and for various purposes . Tobacco-containing Products often as less harmful Alternative to Cigarettes ##-36 ## ## #-42-## advertised, but like harmful is of consumption this Tobacco variety really and with which long-term follow consumers ? I me the effect of : Snuff look at and explain the advantages and disadvantages.

What exactly is snuff?

Although snuff wasn't introduced to Europe until the 17th century, records confirm that the product was used in Latin American cultures much earlier. Indigenous peoples snuffed tobacco as part of their rituals, and sailors brought it to Europe. Here it was first used royally as a remedy for headaches and migraines and for a long time was only available in pharmacies. In Germany, there is now a wide variety of snuff manufacturers. Snuff consists of fermented tobacco and is obtained from the dried leaves of the tobacco plant. After maturing, it is mixed with various flavoring blends and ground. Oil is used to keep tobacco moist. Fermentation and drying processes differ depending on the manufacturer. Recently, tobacco-free products have also been sold. It is called white snuff and usually consists of glucose and menthol.

What is the effect of snuff?

Like cigarettes, snuff also contains nicotine. Nicotine causes various psychological and physical phenomena, resulting in a stimulating and activating effect. Nicotine suppresses negative emotions such as anxiety and tension, while activating the reward system in the brain and sending positive signals such as relaxation. The addition of a base enhances the physical and mental effects of snuff and facilitates its absorption. When first used, snuff can cause unpleasant reactions such as nausea and dizziness.

What are the pros and cons of snuff?

Unlike cigarettes, snuff does not burn when consumed and no toxic substances such as tar or condensate are used in its production. Since there is no smoke, snuff can be smoked in places where smoking is prohibited. This also means that your environment will not be disturbed by its consumption. Another advantage is that the products are biodegradable and therefore have little impact on the environment.
Comparing the long-term effects of snuff with those of cigarettes, this product is actually a less harmful alternative to cigarettes. However, snuff is not completely immune to harmful side effects. The most common complaints include irritation of the nasal mucosa and unpleasant discharge. There is no evidence yet that snuff can cause cancer. The carcinogenic effect of nicotine is also widely discussed today, but has never been proven to be a cancer-causing factor - it is most often the by-products of combustion, i.e. tar, carbon monoxide, etc., which are responsible for cancer. Nicotine can also cause headaches, coughing, and gastrointestinal distress.

Advantages on View:


  • - No combustion.
  • - The environment is not disturbed.
  • - Toxic substances such as tar are not included.
  • - Environmentally friendly


Cons to View:

  • - Can cause inflammation of the nasal mucosa.
    - Addictive.
    - May cause other symptoms such as headaches, abdominal pain, and nausea.


What are the alternatives to snuff?

Snus is the most likely as a smokeless tobacco product. Snus is loose tobacco powder or tobacco powder packaged in pouches. Place it under your upper lip when ingesting and the effects kick in within seconds. Nicotine content varies by variety and you can try both strong and mild snus products. Like snuff, snus does not burn and is a less harmful alternative to cigarettes.

Conclusion – An alternative form of tobacco consumption

Snuff is one of the oldest forms of consuming the leaves of the tobacco plant. It is made by adding substances such as flavors and oils to fermented tobacco powder. Both products contain nicotine, so the effect of snuff is similar to that of cigarettes.