Was tun bei einer Nikotinvergiftung? Tipps & Alternativen | Snushus

Nicotine is a toxic substance that, in high doses, can lead to severe health issues. Long-term effects of smoking, such as cancer, cardiovascular disorders, and chronic bronchitis, usually develop slowly, which is why smokers often do not immediately perceive the health consequences.

The amount of nicotine absorbed through smoking is typically not enough to cause life-threatening poisoning. But what happens if nicotine-containing products are accidentally swallowed? What are the symptoms of nicotine poisoning, and how high is the risk?

In this article, we aim to provide more information on nicotine poisoning and suggest some alternatives to cigarettes.

What Is Nicotine Poisoning?

Nicotine poisoning often occurs when cigarettes or rolling tobacco are accidentally ingested. Other products like cigars, snuff, chewing tobacco, nicotine gum, or cessation patches can also lead to a nicotine shock, though the risk is relatively low.

How Much Nicotine Is Dangerous?

Research has not definitively answered the question of the lethal dose of nicotine. It is generally believed that 300 to 600 mg of nicotine can be fatal. A cigarette typically contains about two milligrams of nicotine. Therefore, over 200 cigarettes would need to be consumed to reach a lethal dose. For e-cigarettes, this would mean consuming 8 ml of 6 mg/ml e-liquid.

Whether the dose is fatal or not also depends on body weight and the source of nicotine. Special caution should be taken with children or pets to prevent the ingestion of nicotine-containing products.

Nicotine poisoning solely from smoking is unusual, as the body can process nicotine quickly. The nicotine level in the blood halves within two hours, so consuming over 200 cigarettes at once would be necessary for a fatal dose.

What Is the Difference Between Acute and Chronic Nicotine Poisoning?

Acute nicotine poisoning occurs when a nicotine-containing product is swallowed, leading to a large intake of nicotine at once.

Chronic nicotine poisoning, on the other hand, develops over many years and often goes unnoticed initially. Chronic intoxication is commonly found in heavy and long-term smokers. Symptoms include damage to the vascular and nervous systems, as well as the organs. The only way to avoid chronic nicotine poisoning is to quit smoking.

What Are the Symptoms of Acute Nicotine Poisoning?

Nicotine poisoning progresses in two phases. The first phase is characterized by discomfort and nausea. Blood pressure may rise, and heart palpitations may occur. Symptoms vary from person to person and depend on the amount ingested. Additional symptoms include confusion, panic attacks, excessive saliva production, and shortness of breath.

In the second phase, the body starts to break down nicotine, and the individual begins to calm down. Blood pressure and heart rate decrease. In some cases, symptoms of depression may appear, along with exhaustion, shallow breathing, and a general sense of weakness. Diarrhea is also a common symptom.

What Is a Nicotine Shock?

A nicotine shock or nicotine flash can occur when there is an overwhelming effect of nicotine on the brain. This is more common with e-cigarettes, which often have higher nicotine levels. Symptoms include nausea, sweating, trembling, fatigue, vomiting, and abdominal cramps. The likelihood of a nicotine shock is higher than that of nicotine poisoning.

What to Do in Case of an Overdose?

Even a slight overdose can cause the body to send signals. If symptoms like headaches or nausea occur, it is crucial to take a break and refrain from consuming more nicotine.

How Dangerous Is Swallowing Snus?

Since there is no combustion process with snus, it is considered less dangerous than cigarettes. Accidentally swallowing snus generally does not pose a significant risk, as the amount of harmful substances is lower than in cigarettes. A nicotine overdose would require the ingestion of multiple pouches in a short time.

Although snus is relatively safe, it should not be swallowed, as it can still cause stomach discomfort. Snus comes with varying nicotine levels: for instance, edel Onyx contains a high level of 25 mg/g, VELO Mighty Peppermint has 15.5 mg/g. Edel CBD Mint contains no nicotine and is a great alternative to smoking.