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As a smoker, you have probably thought about quitting smoking permanently. The negative health consequences clearly outweigh the benefits of smoking, and although the necessary motivation seems to be present, quitting smoking can be an incredibly high challenge.

Quitting smoking is about overcoming two types of dependencies at the same time. Smokers are not only physically dependent on tobacco, but also psychologically. In order to succeed in quitting smoking, we have compiled the best tips and tools for you here and at the end of the article, we want to introduce you to an alternative to smoking.

Smoking cessation: Physical dependence

Smoking triggers a series of physiological reactions in the body and brain within a few seconds. This is mainly due to the nicotine contained in the cigarette. About 30% of the nicotine in the cigarette is released through smoking and absorbed through the respiratory tract.

In the brain, nicotine interacts with receptors and triggers the following reactions in our body: the heart starts beating faster, skin resistance decreases, and skin temperature slightly decreases. Additionally, there is an increase in gastric juice production and stimulation of digestion. This allows food to be metabolized more quickly, and nicotine inhibits appetite by inducing nausea.

Nicotine also constricts blood vessels and leads to an increase in blood pressure. By stimulating pressure and pain receptors, there is an increased sensitivity to pain. The half-life of nicotine is about two hours and is then metabolized by the liver.

Smoking cessation: psychological dependence

In the brain, nicotine triggers an increase in dopamine production. The main function of dopamine is the reward effect, which usually follows positive experiences. Smokers perceive this as a feeling of calmness and immediate well-being.

Furthermore, other brain areas are stimulated in the brain, leading to a smoking person feeling more awake and able to concentrate better. During a smoking cessation, withdrawal symptoms such as restlessness, lack of concentration, and irritability develop.

Quitting Smoking Tips:

In order for smoking cessation to be successful in the long term, not only the body but also the mind must be engaged. For this reason, we have divided the smoking cessation tips into two categories.

Tips for the Body:

  • Stay active: Many smokers complain of weight gain after quitting smoking. This can be prevented by getting enough exercise.
  • Replace negative habits with positive ones: To keep your mouth from getting bored, try drinking more water or chewing gum.
  • Avoid situations where you used to smoke: For example, smoking is often associated with drinking more alcohol or in the morning with a cup of coffee.

Tips for the Mind:

  • Think about the money you can save without buying cigarettes.
  • Set a specific date to quit smoking.
  • Create a list of the benefits of quitting smoking.
  • Look for things to successfully distract yourself: Such as a new hobby or simply spending more time with friends and family (preferably non-smokers).

Smoking Cessation Therapy:

If you feel like you can't quit smoking on your own, you can also look into one of the following therapy options. These are mainly aimed at successfully overcoming the 7 phases of smoking cessation. 

  1. Acupuncture
  2. Medication-based smoking cessation
  3. Hypnosis
  4. Nicotine replacement therapy
  5. Behavioral therapy
  6. Homeopathic remedies
  7. Inpatient rehabilitation

Snus as an Alternative to Smoking

For smoking cessation, you have two options: the cold turkey method, where smoking is abruptly stopped, or the reduction method, where nicotine consumption is gradually reduced.

Snus can help you gradually wean your body off nicotine, as you can determine the nicotine content in your snus product yourself. Products like Soldat Extreme WDP have a high nicotine content of 45 mg/g. Edel Citrus AW has a lower content of 15 mg/g, and edel CBD Mint contains no nicotine at all.