Rauchen aufhören: Die 7 Phasen überstehen | Snushus

Quitting smoking is certainly not an easy task, as the body and brain have become accustomed to years of nicotine consumption. When you quit smoking, you go through different phases, each marked by different symptoms.

In this article, we will summarize these phases and also introduce alternatives to cigarettes.

Quit smoking phases

These 7 phases will surely sound familiar to you if you have ever tried to quit smoking.

1.   Making a decision

In the first phase, you make the decision to finally quit smoking and realize that the positive effects of not smoking outweigh the negative ones. In this phase, it is especially important to stay strong and not set unrealistic goals. After the last cigarette, you should try to avoid pubs or places where smoking is common as much as possible.

What happens in the body: After the first 8 hours of quitting smoking, the oxygen transport in the body gradually normalizes. The oxygen level in the blood increases and carbon monoxide is gradually eliminated.

2.   The first withdrawal symptoms: Irritability

Shortly after the first hours without a cigarette, physical and psychological symptoms occur. One of the first is increased irritability. For the body, it feels as if it is constantly sleep deprived and even small tasks can become a challenge. Other complaints include nervousness, restlessness, sleep disturbances, and headaches.

What happens in the body: After the first day without a cigarette, the risk of a heart attack is already reduced and continues to decrease with each passing day. So, it's worth sticking with it!

3.   Cravings for a cigarette increase: Experiences help!

After a short period of withdrawal from smoking, all thoughts will soon revolve around smoking. In this phase, it is particularly important to distract yourself with other activities. Engaging in sports or meeting friends seems to be most helpful in this regard.

It is also recommended to talk to former smokers and ask them about their experiences, as a little positive motivation can help you persevere.

What happens in the body: After a few days of not smoking, a significantly better breathing is already noticeable, as the carbon monoxide level continues to decrease.

4.   The hunger sets in

Without a cigarette in the mouth, the mouth gets bored and we try to compensate for this with snacks or treats. This is why many smokers suddenly gain weight after quitting smoking. To avoid unnecessary kilos, make sure to eat healthy snacks that stimulate fat burning.

What happens in the body: After the first weeks without a cigarette, the body starts to cleanse itself. The lungs and circulation stabilize with each passing day.

5.   Irrationalities

With the physical symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, psychological stress also sets in. Negative thoughts can lead to losing motivation and reaching for a cigarette again. During this time, a good social environment is of particular importance.

Quitting smoking and coughing: In the first months without a cigarette, the airways are cleared and complaints such as coughing fits and shortness of breath decrease.

Quitting smoking and the lungs: The lungs regain their normal function after 1 to 9 months and narrowed coronary arteries (a cause of heart attack) regress after about a year of not smoking.

6.   Recognizing positive effects

Shortly after quitting smoking, negative thoughts prevail, but this time will pass! The positive effects become more and more apparent, and physical performance & concentration increase.

7.   Stay strong

Nicotine addiction does not simply disappear after a few months, and even a single cigarette can lead to a relapse. So, it is important to hold on permanently and never take another cigarette in your mouth.

Active smokers have a 10 to 15 times higher risk of developing lung cancer than non-smokers. This risk decreases with each day without a cigarette.

Snus as an alternative to smoking

An alternative to smoking is the consumption of snus, in case quitting smoking is not entirely successful. Since there is no combustion process with snus, it is considered a smoke-free alternative to cigarettes and is therefore up to 99% less harmful than smoking. Snus can be obtained either with a high nicotine content of 20 mg/g like with edel COLD or with less nicotine like with e.g. VELO Witty Spearmint with 8 mg/g. For people looking to quit smoking, we recommend the nicotine-free variant edel CBD Mint.