Zigarettenersatz: Welche Alternativen gibt es?

Tobacco has been consumed in various ways for centuries. In the 15th century, when the tobacco plant was first introduced to Europe, it was primarily used for medicinal purposes. Over time, tobacco products evolved, and the medicinal properties of the plant became less emphasized. Today, tobacco is most commonly found in cigarettes, but there are also other products that contain tobacco.

In this article, we want to introduce you to alternatives to cigarettes and show you how to enjoy tobacco without smoking. The products listed here are not only less harmful to your health but also better for the environment.

Why Are More People Looking for Cigarette Alternatives?

It's widely known that smoking is harmful to the body and health. In addition to nicotine, cigarette smoke contains approximately 4,800 other chemical substances, more than 70 of which are carcinogenic. Toxic substances include carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, tar compounds, benzene, and lead. Besides the increased risk of cancer, smokers are also at risk of developing diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, chronic bronchitis, or gum inflammation.

In addition to the health consequences, the environment is also a concern, as various toxic gases are released into the environment with each cigarette. It is estimated that between 1.9 and 5.3 milligrams of nicotine are released into the air per cigarette. Additionally, smoked cigarettes are often discarded outdoors, making them one of the most common litter items. The benefits of quitting smoking or finding alternatives far outweigh the negatives.

What Are Suitable Cigarette Alternatives?

Quitting smoking often proves more challenging than expected, and only a few manage to quit suddenly. Some people do not want to give up tobacco entirely and are therefore looking for less harmful alternatives. In addition to cigarettes, products like nicotine pouches, e-cigarettes, and heat-not-burn products are becoming increasingly popular.


There are two main types of e-cigarettes: cap systems and tank systems. In cap systems, a cartridge with liquid is screwed onto a vaporizer and activated when the mouthpiece is drawn on. The liquid vaporizes during this process and is inhaled similarly to smoking.

Tank systems are refillable and can be filled with different liquids. The heating process starts with the push of a button, causing the liquid to vaporize. E-cigarettes are often used as an alternative to smoking.

Heat-Not-Burn Tobacco Products

As the name suggests, heat-not-burn products heat tobacco sticks instead of burning them, minimizing the production of harmful substances. The heating of the sticks produces a nicotine-containing aerosol, which is inhaled.

Traditional cigarettes typically reach temperatures of 800 degrees Celsius during combustion, while heat-not-burn products reach only around 350 degrees. The vapor is said to be less harmful than that of cigarettes and has a milder odor.


Snuff is considered the oldest form of tobacco consumption. The manufacturing process involves finely grinding tobacco leaves and adding flavorings. For consumption, the tobacco is placed on the back of the hand or fingertips and inhaled.

Snuff is considered less harmful than smoking, as it does not produce combustion products. However, long-term use can damage the nasal mucosa, and the tobacco may contain carcinogenic substances.

Chewing Tobacco or Snus

Chewing tobacco or snus is now more popular than cigarettes in Sweden and offers a smokeless alternative to smoking. Chewing tobacco is a mixture of tobacco, water, salt, and flavorings. It is packaged in small pouches placed under the upper lip for consumption. A tobacco-free alternative is All White Nicotine Pouches or All White Snus. Instead of tobacco, they use natural plant fibers.

Chewing tobacco or snus is available in various strengths with different nicotine levels. Particularly strong chewing tobacco includes Siberia Red -80 Degrees WDP with 43 mg/g nicotine. Odens Cold Extreme WDP is a medium-strong variety with 22 mg/g nicotine.